Monday, November 7, 2011

The New Additions

What a whirlwind of a week here on the Ranch.  For those who follow my Ranch FB page you know that we welcomed the sweetest little boy in our family on October 28th.  Aydan Joseph Eagan 7lbs 1oz, 19 in.  He is loved by all and a very good baby.  We call him Bubba...

Our other new addition is a strapping young lad who is yet unnamed.  

This is really exciting because it is the first Saanen buck we've purchased. The Boer bucks have come and gone but having a Saanen buck that we own means that the Saanens are here to stay!  Yipee!  To be honest I've considered on more than one occasion to sell off the Boers and just concentrate on my favorite dairy breed.  Here are a few more pictures of the new boy.  And just in case you were wondering....he is white under all that urine....we hope.

The girls seem to really like him too!

The perfect caption...."Hey Big Fella"