Well, Daisy FINALLY had her kid. She surprised us all by only having one. Last year she had triplets. We have one of her girls from the triplets, who we bred when she was only 8 months old, and even she had two. In her defense she did have a very large kid, 11 pounds (the largest baby) and a girl so we are pleased that she and her girl are doing well. That makes a total of 12 kids born to 6 dams, one kid lost :( and we are blessed with 11 very healthy kids, 7 boys and 4 girls. The most interesting is the order of their births. All the boys were born and then all the girls! The ending is bittersweet. No more miracles to witness untill next year but also no more running to barn around the clock every hour. They, like my 2 legged children, are growing way too fast. The first set of triplet boys have pretty much doubled their weight in just the 2 short weeks since they were born. They are getting quite muscular and are getting the massive muscular necks that are the trademark of a Boer buck. We have three that we are convinced would make great herd sires some day. We are torn as to which one to keep. The real trick will be to find herds for them to join before they reach butchering weight. Shirley, Rosie and Lilly have rejoined Snowy with all their kids in the main stall area. We like to give them a week in their private stall to bond with their kids before they have to join the rest of the herd. Blossom will join the herd tomorrow and I will probably let Buttercup stay in her stall next to her mom for a few more days just to keep Daisy company. Shirley who had a difficult delivery (she is the one who lost one of her boys) is now doing really well. She had a 5 day course of antibiotics for her uterine infection and she seems back to her sassy self. I really have to say that I love the Saanen's the most. Nothing can beat their unique personalities. They are super silly and the most cuddly! These are the many faces of Shirley. I was trying to take pictures of the new babies in the stall next to her and she just wouldn't have it. Always the center of attention!
Now that is a big personality!
Don't forget, this Saturday is the first Ruedy Ranch Open Barn from noon-4pm. Hope to see you there. Check out www.facebook.com/ruedyranch for more info.
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