Well, we went out to the barn at around 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon and came in at 8:30. Is was really cold outside but inside the barn wearing winter gear it wasn't so bad. There is still some work to do today but we were thrilled with everything we accomplished yesterday. It's really starting to look like a barn out there. I know that sounds strange but if you saw how huge our barn is and saw the little area where we kept the goats and donkeys you'd understand. Now we have more than doubled their space and we will be able to separate the two. This is important for when the babies arrive. The donkeys won't understand right away that the babies are not intruders and guard donkeys have been known to stomp new kids to death thinking they are protecting their herd. Madeline said she even saw Dexter pick up and throw our beloved barn cat Jake! The goats will have the new run area all to themselves. Today the plan is to shut the gate that divides the two areas and put up new hay feeders for the donks since we moved the big feeder to the new run. Now we can control the donkeys portion and we will be getting them some hay that isn't so legume rich. Right now they are sharing the goats alfalfa mix and they really only require a good grass hay. All that alfalfa will just make them fat. Then we can really get an idea of how much the goats are actually eating and what the donks needs are. The good news is that the hay for the donks is considerably cheaper than the alfalfa mix for the goats. Now all we have left to do is put up at least three kidding stalls in the next couple weeks and we will officially be ready. I also talked to a friend from our 4H club and she gave me some great advice on how to tag the kids and tattoo them. She also offered to come over and show us how to disbud them. Good thing she told me that it is required for showing meat goats in Rice county. They just passed the new rule this year and I would not have known which means we would have beeen ineligible for showing because we were not planning to disbud the Boer herd. It is typical to disbud any dairy breed but meat goats are usually permitted horns. Dairy breeds have different horn conformation. They tend to grow up while Boers have more rounded horns that follow the contour of their heads.
Disbudding means to burn off the bud of the horn before they begin to grow. It sounds really awful and it is. Initially we were adament that we would not disbud a goat. Then we lived with them for a while. Our goats are all very tame but as our herd grows we can expect a little more conflict between herd members. In this picutre you can see the typical Saanen profile with horns straight up. They are really good at getting them stuck in the fence. A kid with her head stuck in the fence and goes unnoticed for a couple of hours would most likely get stressed and die. We also install special fencing with smaller spaces at the bottom to help prevent this from happening.
Disbudding is not something to take lightly. It is a great debate in the goat community. Initially I was intending to become an advocate for the discontinuation of disbudding for 4H projects and shows. I certaintly haven't done a complete 180 but I do see that sometimes it can be beneficial for the animal as well. If you have ever seen a couple of Saanens really go at it you may be more likely to undersand. The noise their heads make when they crash together is horrible. I have also experienced a situation where my little beloved baby Snowy was being bullied by another goat and the goats horn got stuck in Snowy's collar. I'm so thankful that I was standing right there because I'm sure it would not have been a good outcome for Snowy. As a result I no longer keep collars on my girls either. It makes it much easier to catch and handle them but at what cost? It's not an easy decision but if you intend to keep goats it will be one you will have to make as well.
Michelle - Thank you for stopping by my blog, feel free to comment whenever you want as all opinions are welcome. Interesting you are talking about disbudding as this year will be the first time I have to give it a try. I am nervous and if you post about your lesson I would be very interested.