This weekend we finally managed to finish a separate little area for Snowy, our baby Saanen. It gives her a private little space where she can go and not get bullied and eat her hay. The bigger goats tend to butt her out of the way at the hay feeder and they always drink the water in the small bucket that we set beside the larger tank for Snowy. Now we can rest assured that she is getting her fair share. I am also happy to report that she is growing like a weed. The little piglet is drinking about 40oz. of milk a day. We'll have to wean her in a few more weeks so she doesn't get to chubby. One thing I didn't anticipate was that the younger little does would be able to fit through the little gate we made for Snowy to get through. That's Blossom lounging around in the restricted area like she owns the place. Snowy didn't seem to mind so I decided to let her stay. It's a sight for sure to see her squeeze her tubby tummy through the little hole. Although from this picture Snowy seems just as
tubby. She seemed so happy I couldn't even consider asking her to leave. As you can see she is grinning ear to pendulous ear and thanking me for her new space!
I am also thrilled to report that Dex's surgery incisions are healing nicely and he is a changed jack! He is back to his friendly, playful ways and is no longer a danger to society. If only people were so easy, right? I managed to snap a few "last pictures of summer" photos in between downpours this week. I love the one of Lilly standing behind her protector (Dex) while she contemplates moving closer. I was lying in the grass and they were all dying of curiosity wondering what I could possibly be doing.
Within a minute they all had their noses in my lens. They were like a bunch of kindergartners screaming, "Take my picture next!"