Many of you have been following my posts on Facebook about poor Dexter Donkey and his injury. For those not on FB here's a little recap. A week ago last Friday I went out to do my morning chores and noticed Dexter lying down in the pasture. Not that unusual but when I came up to the fence he still didn't get up. Uh-oh! When I walked over to him I tried to coax him up but still no luck. When I finally got him up he was really limping. Not good! Made a phone call to the vet and Dr. Mary said she would be out in a couple of hours. I had already determined that the source of his limp was not his hoof but rather his hip and back. My best guess is that he and Millie were wrestling like they do and he got knocked off his feet. Anyways, it was very apparent that he was seriously injured and I was very worried. Dr. Mary came out and really couldn't give a solid diagnosis on what had been affected. She gave him some steroids and pain meds and left the rest to time. I checked in with her on Monday morning and reported no changes. She called me on Tuesday to ask me how I felt about having a chiropractor come out and give him an adjustment. The funny thing was that I was going to ask her about acupuncture for him so I was definitely game. The chiro came out on Wednesday and he was still miserable. She adjusted him and had me give him a dose of pain meds, warned that he could be a little worse the next day and then told me to call and check in with her on Friday. Thursday he was already showing improvement and that evening was the last time he had any pain medication. I am thrilled to report that over the weekend he has made still more progress and when I got home yesterday afternoon I had a note on the door from Dr. Mary who had stopped by to check on him. She said she was very excited to see his progress and that she had called Kaya, the chiro, to give her the good news as well. Kaya will still come out next Wednesday and adjust him one more time. I will probably follow that up with one more round of acupuncture to see if it will help the swelling in his leg. That little ba-donk-a-donk of mine gave me quite a scare. The way he was moping around here Dr. Mary was really thinking he had a disc injury or even a fractured pelvis. I know it sound crazy but I love that little donk and don't know what I would have done if she told me there was nothing else to do. I spent a few nights with him in the barn with his head in my lap trying to keep him comfortable and gain my composure before having to come back into the house and face the kids. I don't know if the kids will ever be able to ride him again but that's not a big deal. I mean, we can always get another donkey!
This time of year always makes me reflect on the wonderful things I have in my life. This has probably been the most fulfilling and challenging year to date. It just happens to follow one of the most depressing ones. The months we spent in-between houses and in that dirty little rental in Prior Lake makes one really thankful for the blessings bestowed on them. I give a heartfelt and gracious Thanks to my Creator for everything he has given to are just a few. My family, a husband who loves me, three healthy kids, a little brother and sister, my parents and my beloved in-laws. Co-workers who I can call friends. The people who stop me at church, or in the car pool lane at school, or the halls at the hospital to ask me how Dexter is doing.
During these difficult financial times my husband and I still have jobs. Electricity in the barn and gutters on our house. A daughter in college. A daughter who excels in school and a son who makes tremendous strides on a daily basis. I couldn't be more proud of them. The teachers who stand behind them and make their success a reality and a school who values the children I hold so dear and refuses to let them fail. Beautiful eggs I collect every morning. A baby goat who nuzzles me after every bottle I feed her.
Her mother who provides us with the milk to sustain her. Donkey hugs. A well insulated barn to keep them all safe and warm. A puppy who likes to sleep under the covers. A husband who will move to the couch so he doesn't have to kick a dog off the bed and while he might not share the connection I have with my animals, he "gets" me and picks up the slack. A cat who sleeps on my pillow. Hardwood floors. A good broom to sweep up all the hair. A good camera to capture the wonder that has become my life. These are things that make me truly blessed. I hope you can all find the peace and contentment to make your lives rich and meaningful. Have a happy Thanksgiving.
I'll leave you with these pictures. Remember the days of bringing the kids to the photographer to get that perfect picture for your Christmas card? And the disappointment when every picture someone has their eyes closed or is making a ridiculous face? This was my attempt at the perfect Christmas card of my fur-children. Epic Fail!
What a bunch of 2 year olds!